Short Story Collection
My short story collection is available for you to read. (Please no copying. The copyrights are all under L.B. Stimson). I hope you enjoy each of these stories full of my love, heartache, secrets, faith, and once in a while, there may also be a little bit of warmth.

The Tomato Jar
September 9, 2013
...The creaking of the rocker runners against the thin carpet drummed out her voice. Her mother’s incoherent mumblings matched the rhythmic motion of the rocker. Seated in the chair, Eva’s mother repeatedly chanted, “I am a good wife. I am a good wife. I am a good mother. I am a good mother. I love my children. I love my children.”

August 29, 2013
In the distance she could see the shadow of an arch that jutted out from the cliff’s edge. Beneath it the waves frantically swirled into a deep pool of redwood green and topaz blue. She reached up to wipe a strand of hair from her mouth and tasted the grains of sand still clinging to her fingers. She ran her tongue across her chapped lips as the sea spray tingled her bare arms

Cry Baby
May 31, 2015
I could hear the crying-screams really-coming from the next room. It was an infant, possibly a toddler. The type of cries that can only be described as a child in complete distress, pain, and suffering. At times the cries would roll like waves with their intensity, crashing into my ears.

She traveled back to her memory of paradise for that is where she found the love of her life, and where she found the finality of his warmth. She prayed for forgiveness as the memories of her life rushed through her.
Stay tuned...