It’s not meant to offend…Catholic sacraments and Christian symbolism in Redwood
As I mentioned, my writing tends to naturally include influences and references to my Catholic faith. At times the references are obvious, such as my use of the rosary. At other times, I allude to Christianity and elements of Catholicism. I do not preach, I present. I present the honest struggles of my characters as they contemplate actions that are in direct opposition to the teachings of their faith. The rosary has a prominent role in Redwood. I didn’t set out to use it as such, but the power of prayer and Mary’s intercession in my life seemed to just naturally develop in the storyline. Will some be offended that my murderer places so much trust in his prayers and finds solace in his rosary? Possibly, but that’s ok. The rosary re-established a distant relationship between me and my own mother shortly before her death. When Dara holds his mother’s rosary after her death, he is able to once again feel the warmth of his mother’s hands. It is this gentle, powerful comfort the rosary is capable of delivering that I hope my readers will discover.