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Book trailer adventures, pt. 4 clip editing round 1

After five hours of editing, the first cut of the book trailer was finally condensed to 45 seconds. While I rely on my skills as a fairly accomplished photographer to guide me in this project, I have learned the art of video editing is a whole different ball game. A skilled video-editor is key to identifying and highlighting the key points in the video, matching the music, and seamlessly blending the various cuts. One of the key clips in the trailer happens to be a video mistake on my part but as the editor scrolled through the scene she identified the moments that provided a sense of unease–which perfectly fit Redwood's story line. I’ve also learned the importance of suggesting a sense of place in the opening moments of the trailer. The viewer will find themselves pulled into the vineyard and its mystery. I am excited about having completed the first go round of editing and while I would love to share with the world the initial clip, I will keep a lid on it until the final product is polished and ready for release. And just in case you are wondering, I am using a Canon Rebel XT with HD video for filming and iMovie for editing.

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