Book Trailer Adventures pt. 1

My personal interest and I admit obsession in creating a book trailer for Redwood stems from my need to bring the novel alive. I want to see all of my characters on the screen–sinning, struggling, and living. A strong visual will share with my readers the imagery that awaits them as they absorb each word. I want my readers to move with the words. Since I’ve never created such a project before, I am relying on my photography background. I understand how to create a mood, how to choose props, and the importance of lighting. I am using this knowledge and applying it to video. I am watching short clips of movies that fit my novel’s genre to further my knowledge and understanding of camera angles, etc. I’m a very visual person, so I’ve also sketched out slides and made notes on the imagery I need to film and photograph. I’ve also chosen a piece of classical music I’ve been enchanted with since childhood. The music was written in the early 1800s and I’m blessed to have a talented pianist interpret the piece for an original recording. And, I have to admit, I didn’t want any copyright issues hanging over my head. I have carefully chosen the props and the location for filming. My model will be wearing an authentic period piece from the early 1900s. I have to admit the dress was a lucky find. Some of the props will be symbolic for I’ve written a lot of symbolism into my novel. This one, I will share with you–the breaking wine bottle. The bottle is symbolic of James’ struggle with the vineyard, the boundaries placed on him by prohibition, and his struggle in his life. Now the wine spilling forth? I’ll let you decide. Stay tuned for more on the trailer project as we set our sights on filming.