Book trailer adventures, pt. 3-Serenade
Choosing Serenade for the trailer was a selfish decision. Personal preferences abound when it comes to the arts and any other choice...

Book trailer adventures pt. 2
I am pleased to report our initial filming and photography for the book trailer was successful. I was very happy as we traveled to our...

Book Trailer Adventures pt. 1
My personal interest and I admit obsession in creating a book trailer for Redwood stems from my need to bring the novel alive. I want to...
Inanimate objects - Redwood’s supporting cast
Redwood is set in northern California’s emerging wine country, circa early 1900s. The physical setting easily creates visions of rolling,...
Louise-justifying sin?
The female characters of Redwood are all flawed, but their love for their children knows no boundaries. It is this love that drives them...
Sin and Faith
How one deals with the issue of sin in his or her life depends often times on one’s individual faith teachings. The characters in my...
It’s not meant to offend…Catholic sacraments and Christian symbolism in Redwood
As I mentioned, my writing tends to naturally include influences and references to my Catholic faith. At times the references are...
Welcome to My Twisted Edge Blog
I’m a writer. I love words. I love taking a journey to another place and time. My stories will take you into the late 19th century and...